Monday, February 11, 2013

A Roach For Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is right around the corner. Why do something mundane on Valentine's Day like honor your sweetie with gifts of flowers, boxed chocolates, a fancy dinner, champagne, sex toys, and a little roll between the sheets to top off the night? Do something different!

You've seen these things in zoos. They're big. They hiss. They make the Zanti misfits look like fruit flies.

Roaches have real character. They are resilient. Tenacious. Creative. Prolific! Resourceful and loyal. Those are great qualities in any mate. You can now tell your honey bunny he or she is as sexy as a roach!

So now instead of greeting each individual roach with a "WTF IS THAT?" you can call it Tootsie Wootsie or Sugar Bear. All you need to do is give a $10 donation to the Bronx Zoo and you get to name a really cool Madagascar hissing cockroach after your soulmate. You'll even get a certificate of honor. How cool is that? According to the Bronx Zoo web site, "Your $10 donation helps WCS conserve species big and small, beautiful and damned. With your support, we'll continue to do our work saving wildlife in the forests of Madagascar and throughout the world's most majestic wild places."

Forget the chocolates and roses. Name one of these bugs after your true love, help support the Bronx Zoo, and buy some dark and horrific books to end the night on a high note. Try my horror novels and short stories. You may find links to pages about each one at the top of this web site. Choose "The Oily" (Stupefying Stories), "Shattering The Meat Tunnel" (Mirages), "We're All Mad Here" (Zippered Flesh 2), "Back Beyond The Hedge Row" (Kizuna), or "Alicia", which is a dark fantasy romance story. Perfect for Valentine's Day! Enjoy a good read, and Happy Valentine's Day!

Note: "We're All Mad Here" is so new it's not on this web site yet. It appears in the horror anthology "Zippered Flesh 2: More Tales Of Body Enhancements Gone Bad!" You may buy the book at Amazon.

Zippered Flesh 2 - paperback

Zippered Flesh 2 - ebook

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

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